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Windshield Replacement San Tan ValleyLearn how the auto glass scam works in order to protect yourself.

Fake Internet Listings Are Fueling the Predator Auto Glass Industry
When Arizona residents need a service like windshield replacement, chances are they are going to go online and use a search engine like Google to find a provider. All of a sudden a bunch of red dots appear on a map with phone numbers.

The customer will start making calls to different people but what if the map-points are fake? This is happening all across America and especially in Arizona.

“I created a fake business and bought it an amazing online reputation” Kashmir Hill wrote in an article on Splinter.

Companies are buying and paying for a strong online presence. They will pay for fake Yelp, Google or Facebook reviews and thousands of followers on Twitter. What most internet goes do not realize is that many of these businesses are fake, or not licensed, or worse fraudulent!

For $5, I could get 200 Facebook fans, or 6,000 twitter followers, or I could get @SMExpertsBiz to tweet about my company.

Many of these fake web marketing and web design companies will tell predator auto glass fraudsters that “they only do real reviews. We try the products people send us” but when Kashmir Hill approached them undercover with money in hand, it was a different matter.

It goes to show that if a fake business is willing to pay enough money for fake internet listings, graphics and reviews – they can come off as a real company. The end result is they practice predatory services that harms Arizona residents and the economy.

Bryan Seely, a Marine Corp Veteran who is trying to put an end to fake companies online estimates that there are between one and two million fake businesses represented with Google map points – preying on unwitting consumers.

Google, Yahoo and Bing account for about 96% of all searches online.

How Many Fake Reviews Are On The Internet?

Technology research firm Gartner thinks that 10-15% of all reviews online are fake.