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Lucid Motors a Huge Economic Boom for the City of Casa Grande

  • $674 million dollar factory is being built in Casa Grande
  • Saudi Arabia gave Lucid Motors $1-Billion to start producing battery-electric vehicles
  • Lucid Motors is Tesla’s biggest rival and competitor

Right Windshield Auto Glass Welcomes Lucid Motors

“This is a huge impact for us. This goes way beyond Casa Grande or Pinal County.“ said Tim Kanavel, Pinal County’s economic development manager.

RW Auto Glass, Arizona’s Premier Auto Glass Shop, welcomes Lucid Motors to the city of Casa Grande. The Lucid plant will be located at the corner of Thornton and Peters roads. This is just southwest of the Walmart distribution center and southeast of Sheffield Lubricants.

The 21-million-square-foot complex will be built on a 500-acre site and will take up to 6-years to complete. Governor Doug Ducey said that Lucid Motors, a Silicon Valley company, planned to turn Arizona into the epicenter of innovative electric smart car development.

It is estimated that Lucid Motors new plant will create about 2,000 jobs in the state.